40 days after announcing The Summon Platform, how are our milestones?

featured image for story about Summon's 40th day since announcing

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Today, August 29, 2022 marks the 40th day since we publicly announced our DAO Operating System, The Summon Platform.

We wanted to take a moment to express our deep gratitude for the simply overwhelming level of support that our community has lavished on the project.

From the thousands of supportive social media posts and generous shares of the hundreds of media stories we’ve appeared in, the more than three million ADA that have been staked to our ISPO, and the more than ten million $SUMMON tokens taken up by our community members… we quite literally would not have been able to keep to our development plan without you all.

So to memorialize some of the more quantifiable milestones, our marketing team put The Summon Platform’s third infographic together. Please enjoy (and if you believe in our mission, please share!)

An infographic memorializing some key milestones since announcing The Summon Platform 40 days ago
An infographic memorializing some key milestones since announcing The Summon Platform 40 days ago

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